decay vi. 1.朽,腐烂。 2.衰减,衰退。 3.凋谢,枯。 vt. 使朽坏;使衰退。 n. 1.衰微,衰退。 2.朽,腐烂。 3.【无线电】衰变。 tooth decay 蛀牙。 be far gone in decay 衰弱过甚,凋落不堪。 go to decay = fall into decay 腐朽,凋谢,衰微。
Let us very briefly rehearse one or two facts about nuclear beta decay . 让我们非常简要地复述一下有关该衰变的一两件事实。
The radioactive transformation giving rise to these electrons was known as beta decay . 产生这种电子的放射性变化,称为衰变。
The shape of the electron spectrum in beta decay is not dominated by properties of the matrix element . 衰变的电子谱的形状不取决于矩阵元的性质。
Couched in mathematical language within the framework of the quantum theory, it gave a satisfying explanation of beta decay . 如按量子理论的观点表达为数学语言,就可对衰变作出满意的解释。
In some kinds of beta decay , a nuclide loses surplus positive charge by emitting a positron ( in the same event , a proton becomes a neutron , and neutrinos are also given off ) 以某种贝它衰减,一个核素靠发出一个正电子失去剩余正电荷(在相同的事件中,一个质子变成一个中子,而且也发射微中子) 。
They designed sophisticated experiments to test their hypothesis and proposed them to another chinese physicist , c . s . wu , who later confirmed their prediction of symmetry breakown in the beta decay experiment of cobalt 美籍华裔物理学家杨振宁和李政道教授相信自然界并非如此,他们提出论据并由另一位华裔物理学家吴健雄博士通过钴的衰变实验所证实。
They designed sophisticated experiments to test their hypothesis and proposed them to another chinese physicist , c . s . wu , who later confirmed their prediction of symmetry breakown in the beta decay experiment of cobalt 美籍华裔物理学家杨振宁和李政道教授相信自然界并非如此,他们提出论据并由另一位华裔物理学家吴健雄博士通过钴的衰变实验所证实。
radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus that is accompanied by the emission of a beta particle